Tuesday 12 May 2009

The Future of Learning

For a while in the UK the government education department DfES, (which then became DCSF), articulated some extraordinary moments of clarity - and often Eileen Devonshire was at the heart of this work to open the key debates needed if government policy was to keep up with the pace of innovation in schools and industry.

One such contribution was to commission (from the talented folk at Magic Lantern) this short video about the future of learning: students, NQTs, wise old owls, Anthony Minghella (sadly missed), Prof Sir Magdi Yacoub, Sir Paul Smith, Sir Trevor McDonald, old archive footage, and all sorts. I got to narrate it - fab little buzz of video for professional development etc.

two versions here: sumptuous QuickTime or (almost as good) fast streaming compressed Flash version

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Now we are talking...

Now We Are Talking is a Testra site, full of useful little provocations and conversations. On a recent trip to Australia they were kind enough to interview me on Internet Safety and a lot more besides.

Here is that interview. (scroll down the page a bit for the video - or just read the summary txt)

"nowwearetalking is about telecommunications and you. It's where you can become involved, have your say, and Telstra listens - on issues affecting all Australians and the telecommunications industry. nowwearetalking is managed by Telstra. Find out more about this site."

Space, the final frontier

As a launch of the SPACE: ADM-HEA Annual Forum 2009 CEMP was asked to assemble this short provocation about learning spaces in Higher Education. Basically it is me chatting about the issue against a green-screened backdrop of relevant images.

It's on YouTube, and is referenced in a number of places, like David Hopkins excellent blog

Anyway, here is the YouTube version 